C&G’s Guide To: New Year Kitchen Habits

Tips & Advice

Well into the first month of 2019, many of us have set resolutions and goals within several avenues of our life, in hopes of them ultimately becoming habits. In today’s C&G blog, we have compiled four positive habits that will transform the way you use your kitchen.


One of the biggest life-improving habits you can get stuck into this year is meal planning. Writing down your weeks’ worth of meals (and snacks, of course) in advance has several benefits. From saving money and time, to increasing mindfulness about food consumption and creating positive eating habits, this will make a world of difference! Download this free weekly meal planner template and start filling it with delicious recipes.    


Start utilizing that collection of cookbooks you’ve had sitting on display for years but have yet to read through. Whilst there are recipes available on the internet, we love the feeling of nostalgia and warmth that comes with turning pages of a hard copy book. Get accustomed to following a new recipe at least once a week – this helps to absorb new cooking skills and brings enthusiasm to the kitchen. Amazon’s list of 100 best-selling cookbooks is sure to inspire you, and is guaranteed to satisfy everybody’s taste buds!


Creating a habit of hosting dinner parties has distinct advantages on one’s personal wellbeing and relationships. Additionally, it provides an exciting change to ordinary routine, and creates a sense of accountability to keep your kitchen clean for guests! While we’re not suggesting you invite twenty people over each week, the team at C&G loves sharing a tasty home-cooked meal, quality time and intimate conversation with family and friends. It’s a great way to get to know your neighbours, too.


Reducing food waste in your kitchen can save you money and save the environment! Create a thorough grocery list of items you will definitely put to use  – ideally in conjunction with your meal plans from our first habit above. This organisational skill will reduce what you throw out. Be particularly mindful of storing ingredients appropriately and in ways that prolong shelf life. Stick these printable infographics on your fridge as a handy guide, and say goodbye to waste!

Incorporating these easy practices into your kitchen routine will have great benefits, for your culinary repertoire and your wallet. The team here at Chisholm & Gamon would love to see how our community makes use of these tips, and hear about some of your own kitchen habits for the new year. Share them with us on Instagram and Facebook today.