C&G’s Guide to R U OK? Day

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Thursday the 10th of September is R U OK? Day, a national campaign dedicated to raising awareness for mental health and wellbeing. As we continue to navigate a challenging year, it’s more crucial than ever to check in with our family, friends and colleagues and offer our support. This latest C&G blog discusses the importance of asking meaningful questions.

There’s more to say after R U OK?

This year’s message is ‘there’s more to say after R U OK?’ Social distancing or not, it’s always okay to initiate a conversation that has the potential to save a life. This year’s theme focuses on maintaining the conversation through 4 simple steps:

  1. Ask R U OK?

If you notice a loved one is struggling with the ups and downs of life, begin a conversation by gently asking them if they’re okay. You might even mention you’ve noticed they haven’t been acting their usual self. Keep in mind they may not want to share, and avoiding a confrontation is important. Simply let them know there’s someone they can reach out to.

  1. Listen with an open mind

Encourage them to explain and stay patient. It’s helpful to acknowledge what they’ve said to show you’ve listened.

  1. Encourage action

Offer your support by asking what they’d like from you. Most often it’s as simple as having someone to open up to. If you feel they may require professional help, the R U OK website has listed useful services here, as well as tips on approaching the topic.

  1. Check in

Set yourself reminders to check in with your loved one. If lockdown restrictions prevent you from physically visiting them, offer to video chat or talk over the phone. For many people this could make all the difference.

We don’t have to be experts, but by knowing what to say, we can help each other feel mentally and emotionally supported through tough times. 2020 has been a tumultuous year for everyone, and R U OK serves as a timely reminder to check up on our loved ones. You can access more free resources and advice here!