C & G’s Guide: 5 Activities to do these School Holidays!

Are you ready for an unforgettable school holiday experience in Bayside Melbourne? Look no further! Whether you’re a local, or have visitors staying and are looking for some inspiration, there are plenty of fun-filled activities to keep everyone entertained. Let’s dive into five fantastic things to do during the school holiday break:

Luna Park

Location: 18 Lower Esplanade, St Kilda, VIC 3182

Details: Luna Park is an iconic amusement park that promises thrills and laughter for all ages. Hop on the historic wooden roller coaster, enjoy carnival games, and take a spin on the famous Ferris wheel. The vibrant atmosphere and stunning views of Port Phillip Bay make it a must-visit! And as a special event for the Autumn School Holidays, check out their Friends with Honey Musical Kids Show! This 45-minute children’s show features song, dance, and storytelling, all aimed at teaching children about the importance of bees in our world. With 8 performances from 3 – 11 April, sessions are free with Park Entry!


Reptile Encounters at Port Melbourne Library

Location: Port Melbourne Library, 333 Bay St, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207

Details: Get up close and personal with fascinating reptiles! Reptile Encounters offers educational and interactive sessions where kids can learn about snakes, lizards, and other scaly creatures. It’s a unique opportunity to appreciate Australia’s diverse wildlife. With two sessions on 11 April, this one is for ages 5 – 12 – bookings essential!


KIIS Eye Ferris Wheel

Location: Catani Gardens, Beaconsfield Parade, St Kilda West

Details: Take a ride on the KIIS Eye Ferris wheel for breathtaking views of Melbourne’s skyline. Whether you’re soaring during the day or enjoying the city lights at night, this experience is sure to create lasting memories. Take a ride until 28 April!


Zine Workshop for Teens at St Kilda Library

Location: St Kilda Library, 150 Carlisle St, St Kilda, VIC 3182

Details: Calling all creative teens! Join a zine-making workshop and express yourself through art, writing, and design. Learn how to craft your own mini-magazine and connect with like-minded peers. Aimed at 12 – 18 year olds, it’s a fantastic way to explore self-expression and storytelling.


RIFIFI:Jean Jullien for Kids at the NGV International

Location: NGV International, Ground Level, Children’s Gallery

Details: SO it’s not technically in bayside Melbourne, but it’s all about the sea! RIFIFI: Jean Jullien for Kids is an enchanting and interactive exhibition at NGV International and French visual artist Jean Jullien has transformed the children’s gallery into an underwater wonderland inspired by art, fun, and environmental care. Young visitors can freely explore a vibrant ocean scene, participate in beach clean-up activities, and create their own sea creature artworks. Jullien’s whimsical style and vibrant imagery make this exhibition both entertaining and educational for the whole family. Dive into this captivating world and discover the magic of the sea! Free entry – and on until 14 April!


Remember to check availability, book in advance, and have a wonderful time during the school holidays in Bayside Melbourne!